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Week Beginning 18th January 2021

Monday 18th January 2021


Good morning, Year 4.


This week we are diving back into fractions. I know that it has been a while since some of you looked at fractions, so today will be recapping some prior learning as well as getting you to think about representing fractions in different ways.


LO: To be able to represent fractions in different ways.
I can remember to:

 - show how many equal parts have been made with the denominator.
 - Show how many equal parts we are talking about with the numerator.
 - show a unit fraction as having a numerator of one.
 - show a non-unit fraction as having a numerator of more than one.
 - shade in pictorial representations of fractions.

You've been able to produce good work in maths today - you all clearly understand unit and non-unit frractions!

Tuesday 19th January 2021


Good morning, Year 4.


As you know, our whole numbers system is based on the number 10 (that's why Diennes are also called Base 10). Our decimal counting system (based on the number 10) means that the number 10 is very important. When you can manipulate fractions that have a denominator of ten, you start to notice some really useful patterns. Watch the video to find out more.


LO: To be able to manipulate tenths.
I can remember to:

 - understand that a tenth has been divided into ten equal parts.
 - count in tenths.
 - know that even over 1 whole, the denominator will still be 10.
 - * convert fractions to decimals.

Good work on tenths today, Year 4. I'm really pleased that you've been able to understand the relationship between 0.1 and one tenth.

Wednesday 20th January 2021


Good morning, Year 4.


The next two days are both going to be based around a concept with which you should already be familiar. Don't worry if you can't remember it though as we're going to take it nice and easy. Today, we start with a recap of equivalent fractions and tomorrow we'll push ourselves to develop our understanding a little further.


LO: To be able to recognise equivalent fractions.
I can remember to:

 - use Bar Models to compare fractions.
 - compare fractions to see if they are equal.
 - show that fractions can be equal using the equals sign.
 - place fractions on a numberline.

You really understand how fractions with different denominators can be equal sizes! Well done.

Thursday 21st January 2021


Good morning, Year 4.


As promised yesterday, we're taking another look at equivalent fractions. Watch the video as I've got a cool little trick that is going to make them much, much easier for you!


LO: To be able to recognise equivalent fractions.
I can remember to:

 - use Bar Models to compare fractions.
 - compare fractions to see if they are equal.
 - show that fractions can be equal using the equals sign.
 - place fractions on a numberline.
 - *use doubling and halving to help you find equivalent fractions.

Another great day of learning on fractions. Well done, Year4 !

Friday 22nd January 2021


Good morning, Year 4.


Today, we're exploring numbers that are greater than 1, but that also contain a fration. It sounds complicated until you use it in a sentence like: "Daddy ate one and a half pizzas."

Watch the video and complete the worksheets; I know that you'll grasp this concept quickly.


LO: To be able to manipulate fractions greater than one.
I can remember to:

 - count one whole when the numerator equals the denominator.
 - partition the whole number and left over fraction. e.g. two & four sixths
 - say the total number of equal pieces. e.g. sixteen sixths 

Wow - more great work on fractions Y4. I'm so pleased that you're getting to grips with these concepts and can't wait to see what you do with Miss Kendall next week!