LO: To be able to place decimals on a numberline.
I can remember to:
- count along to see how many intervals there are.
- seek patterns in the numbers that you’ve been given.
- count along to test out your ideas.
- put numbers into the correct order using half-way as a guide.
Please give us some feedback on how you've got on this week using this GOOGLE FORM.
Morning, Year 4. We've got some more work on decimals today. You've made a great start, so I'm sure that you'll do well.
Have a go at the tasks and then test your knowledge using the GOOGLE FORM QUIZ.
LO: To be able to manipulate the place value of decimal numbers.
I can remember to:
- put the numerator in the tenths column.
- treat ten tenths as one whole.
- if dealing with a whole or an improper fraction:
- put the ones digit from the numerator after the decimal point.
- put the tens digit before the decimal point
Good morning, Year 4. Today we begin a three-day exploration of the fraction one tenth as a decimal number. Please have a go at the GOOGLE FORM QUIZ as well.
LO: To be able to show tenths as a decimal number.
I can remember to:
- write a zero.
- mark a decimal point.
- write the numerator after the decimal point.
- know that 1/10 = 0.1
Good morning, Year 4. This morning, we are looking closely at tenths and hundreds as they are going to be essential to our learning for the rest of this half-term.
LO: To be able to identify fractions.
I can remember to:
- know that 10 tenths make a whole.
- know that 100 hundredths make a whole.
- recognise that a 1/10 is equal to 10/100.
- partition fractions in part-whole models.
Please remember that you do not need to complete all of the challenges. We expect you to choose one from either Mild, Hot or Spicy unless we specifically say in the videos that you should do more than one. Of course, you are welcome to do more than one level of challenge, but you are not expected to do so.
Good morning, Year 4. This week we will be moving on to looking at numbers smaller than one in a different way, but first we're going to recap what Miss Kendall taught you last week by looking at fractions of amounts in different contexts.
LO: To be able to find fractions of amounts.
I can remember to:
- use a bar model to share the amount by the denominator.
- divide by the denominator.
- multiply by the numerator.