L/O: To divide a one digit number by 10.
In Year 4, we have decided to change the name of your tasks to levels.
Level 1 will be more fluency based questions then, as you move through the levels the questions will get more challenging. For each lesson please start on a level (Level 1, 2 or 3) you feel comfortable with. Then, if you wish to challenge yourself please move onto the next one or if you struggled try the previous one. It is not a requirement to complete all 3 levels. However, if you are feeling confident in the lesson you can always give all 3 a try!!
L/O: To divide a two digit number by 10.
L/O: To find a hundredth.
L/O: To place a hundredth on a place value grid.
Friday Fun Maths
Learning Objective: To practise place value and times table skills
I can remember to:
Know what each digit represents in a number
Count up in different multiples
Solve the answer to calculations
Use a key
Once you have complete the challenges above, you can try out some of these tangram activities.
You can complete a puzzle online using the links below. Alternatively, you can make or print your own tangram puzzle and have a go at some of the challenges.
Online Resources
Interactive puzzle Level 1 Click here
Interactive puzzle Level 2 Click here
Interactive puzzle challenges. This resource is brilliant! Click here for a range of tangram challenges that accompany a story set in China. Join Granma T, her grandchildren and colleagues on an adventure and create different pictures from tangrams. There are 30 challenges in total! Each one has an extra challenge at the end for you to try.
Level 1
Print and cut out a tangram puzzle
Level 2
Make your own tangram puzzle using card, scissors, a ruler and a pencil. There’s an instruction sheet below the video.
Level 3
The video below explains how to make your own using squared paper, card, scissors, a pencil, a ruler and some paper clips. Click here for the template but this is not essential.
The Year 4 team would just like to say that we are all so proud of you!! The work you've completed this half term has been outstanding. Looking at your work submitted is the highlight of our day so thank you for sharing. It is clear that you've been watching the videos carefully and giving your remote learning 110%! We are so delighted too see that you are showing amazing independence and trying your very best. We hope that you enjoy half term and manage to get some rest.
Parents- Thank you for taking the time to support your children at home and we appreciate the feedback you give. We also hope that you manage to have a break over half term.
We will see you back on the school blog on the 22nd of February for more exciting online learning.